When you need to trace the functionality of the one dog then you can use the single method.
But when you need to trace the functionality of the many dogs then you can use the class.
Class is the blueprint of the objects. It works as a constructor of the object. That means you can create as many as an object using class.
In class, you can trace the many properties of the objects. Meanwhile, you can change, replace and delete the properties of the object.
How to create the class in Python?
You can create the class in Python using the class keyword.
class class_name
For example,
class dog:
# name of the dog
name = “Bond”
So, you’ve defined the class. Next, you’ve displayed the variable value.
You might think that this can be done with the print(name) statement.
But here, you can see that the name variable is inside the class and to call the variable you need to create the Python objects.
How to create the Python objects?
You can create the Python object using the class name with the parenthesis. In the above example, I’ll create the variable and call the class inside it. For example,
class dog:
# name of the dog
name = “Bond”
# Create the Python object
x = dog()
So, you’re thinking about how to display the variable inside the Python class.
How to call the Python objects value?
You can call the Python objects value using the dot(.) operator.
The dot operator will access the variable of the class.
For example,
class dog:
# name of the dog
name = “Bond”
# Create the Python object
x = dog()
>>> Bond
What is init in the Python class?
The init is the initialization in Python.
In python, when a class is created then some properties are initialized.
For instance, name.
The self keyword is used with the init function.
You can define the init with def keyword inside the class.
For example,
class dog:
def __init__(self,name,age):
self.name = name
self.age = age
What is a self keyword in Python?
The self keyword is used in the class. It accesses the current value of the class.
You can use a different name in the place of the self keyword. No completion is required.
Methods in the Python Object-oriented Programming
The method is a function in the Python class that perform the operations on the class.
You can define the method the same as function using the def keyword.
Inside the method, you need to display the statement.
For example,
class dog:
def __init__(self,name,age):
self.name = name
self.age = age
def get_info(self):
print("Name of the dog is",self.name)
print("Age of the dog is",self.age)
# Create the Python objects
a = dog("bond",3)
When you run the above code, you’ll get the statement executed by the get_info() method.
Name of the dog is bond
Age of the dog is 3
The get_info() method executed both statements.
You can access the value in the method using the self keyword.
So, you’ve seen the basics of the class and objects in Python.
Finally, you’ve seen the basics of Object-oriented Programming.
In this blog, you’ve seen the classes and objects. The class created using the class keyword. Class is a blueprint of the objects. Using class you can create as many as objects possible.
Meanwhile, you can create the objects using the class name with the parenthesis.
Next, you need to call the value inside the class. so, you’ve called the value using the dot(.) operator. When a class is created you need to create the variables. Variables are created using the init function. The init initialize the objects when the class called. You can use the self keyword to access the current variable in the class.
The class in OOP uses the function as a method. The method is a function that executes the operations in Python. Using methods you can display the statements.
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